
Hello is it me you’re looking for?

The fact that anyone reads this blog always comes as a surprise to me, I originally started doing this because I wanted to keep some kind of journal but my handwriting is awful and I wanted to be able to catalogue it digitally in case I ever wanted to recall any of my past thoughts.

Years later I seem to have acquired a small following of family, friends and like minded individuals. I sometimes wish I had a four or five digit number in the followers field but for the meantime I am happy to keep this site local and ‘artisan’.


Faking Honesty

People can be very sensitive to the truth, they profess to want to hear it but then once the reality of it is revealed they don’t seem to be able to handle it. The notion that it is best to air everything out flies in the face of not being a mean person, sometimes being a bit opaque can result in a lot less hurt.

I never lie, I may omit details and facts that give the illusion of a falsification but I never lie. I am the silver-tongue that will tell you not what you want to hear but what I want you to listen to. I would have made a perfect politician, if not for the megalomania and rampant paranoia.


Hiding behind a screen

The biggest problem I face when I sit behind my keyboard is trying to make the symbols and syntax approximate close to my initial intentions. It has always been an annoyance that the typen word cannot capture nuance and tone.

More than once I have had to delete paragraphs because they didn’t come out as I intended. I have a sarcastic and dry humour that translates very poorly to the written word, it needs the inflection of voice and the rolling of eyes to signal that you shouldn’t take what I write to seriously.


Habitual writing

I’m feeling pretty pleased with myself, normally my commitment span for any hobby is a couple of weeks top. Like many people I get it in my mind to do something and then my endeavor comes to a halt. Learning the trumpet or teaching orphans to crochet…month max, but I’ve been writing for nearly five years.

Plus this year I have so far completed a post a day as well. It’s like this has become a regular thing. You may even call it a habit.


Can I let it go?

‘This reminds me of an episode of How I met Your Mother’ – Mrs V on more than one occasion.

You could replace How I met Your Mother with Seinfeld or Friends, but the principle is the same, a lot of life’s situations are often reflected in the humour of long running comedy shows. In this case I’m thinking of the episode ‘Drunk Train’ in which Lily and Marshall tell the group the key to a successful relationship is not keeping score.


Charge of The Light Brigade

I’m not generally one for poetry, it tends to read funny and takes a long time to get to the point (much like this blog). The language is also so flowery that I tend to get hay fever from reading it. So, it’s strange that one of my favourite pieces of wisdom should come from such a piece of prose.

It sums up the way the world works; there are workers and there are bosses and the jobs of the workers are to follow the bosses orders and not to question them. Then when something goes wrong you can be sure that it’s the bosses who will escape while the poor unfortunate souls at the bottom are the ones to pay the price.


Feel the burn

I see food as a challenge, whenever I see a potential culinary challenge I feel like I need to attack it. All you can eat is an open invitation to try, and if there is an exotic cut of meat I’m going to try it.

This has got me into problems more than once, Mrs M complains that I think I can eat like a big game hunter but ostrich, alligator, boar have all lead to dietary ramification which mean I am now restricted to a ‘farmyard’ only diet.


Faith in humanity

Mrs V was feeling a bit scared about the world, last year seemed to have been particularly crazy full of terrible events and even worse people. The beginnings of this year aren’t looking any better.

It would be easy to quit on the human race at this point, we seem to be on a race to the bottom and backing Team Hell-in-a-Handcart. Why should we have any optimism for the future?


Making hard decisions

Life is full of choices we are told, some of which are popular and some that are unpopular. These are not necessarily choices as it is likely you will pick the nicer, safer, easier one. Not even politicians choose the unpopular choices nowadays because elections and power.

So it’s not a case of choosing heads or tails, it’s head and if you force me into it tails. Yet there are plenty of events where a decision needs to be made, and sometimes the options are pretty unpalatable.


Finishing a book

There is no better way to motivate me than offering me a badge or trophy for doing something. Being given points for completing tasks or acting in a certain way can control the way I live my live. I am a scorewhore.

This morning I received an email from Goodreads telling me how close I was to reaching this year’s target of reading 12 books, and if I did achieve it then I would get a special badge to place on my profile. This sent me into a frenzy, I mean a badge for reading! Then the two people who view my profile will be able to see that years ago I read an awful lot.